What we do

LAGLS provides a friendly, supportive social environment to technoqueers at meetings, field trips and special events; previously monthly, then 2-4 times a year, and now on COVID pandemic break. Some things we’ve done are:

social pot-luck dinners
behind the scenes tour of Mt. Wilson
beach party
Living Desert field trip
Aquarium of the Pacific
behind the scenes tour of the Natural History Museum
anniversary banquet
chemistry color magic demonstration
Descanso Gardens
member workplace tours
California Science Center
Jurassic Museum
hybrid automobile technology presentation
Huntington Gardens and exhibits
Griffith Park Planetarium

LAGLS publishes an occassional newsletter announcing upcoming events, but mostly piggybacks announcements through the Out to Innovate Bulletin, Out to Innovate’s quarterly newsletter, as well as email announcements.

LAGLS occasionally provides an educational forum and disseminates information to queer and non-queer organizations.

LAGLS has participated in Los Angeles area pride activities including the Christopher Street West Pride Parade, Pasadena Pride, San Gabriel Valley Pride, Models of Pride

LAGLS volunteers provide hands and infrastructure to National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP), now known as Out to Innovate